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What can I do to learn English?

According to BBC News, "it takes 8 months (≈ 5840 hours) to learn English if you listen to proper English speaker.". Depending on age, it could be less when you learn as younger person, according to a Chinese doctor Ling, his 8 year old son "could speak very well after 3 months.". He was able to learn when he was exposed in an English speaking environment after leaving China to live in England. Ling says "He is 13 now and speaks like a British person." So how can you arrive to this point of successfully learning?

Here are 10 effective ways to learn English at home:

There are many things you can do now, especially with technology to help you advance in your fluency of English, consider the following:

  1. Place labels around your home: write vocabulary and grammar rules on post-it notes and put them around your home to help you expand your vocabulary.

  2. Change your phone settings: change the language of your phone settings so it forces you to think in English all the time and it will help you to improve more quickly

  3. Read for interest: it helps to read in English when there is a book/magazine you are interested in reading and perhaps highlighting words you are not familiar with can be a reminder to look up its definition.

  4. Talk with real live humans: it’s true that speaking a language helps it stick in your head far better than only reading or writing it. Seek out native speakers for an informal language exchange, enroll in a course, or take classes online.

  5. Subscribe to podcasts or YouTube channels in English: you can listen to anything you are interested in, or better yet, a podcast or channel that focusses in improving your English.

  6. Ask a lot of questions: for sure you will have many questions when learning English so don't sit on your doubts - be curious and resolve them! Ask for help from a native English speaker or your teacher.

  7. Immerse yourself in the language: going abroad to an English-speaking country exposes you to an English-speaking environment that can definitely boost your fluency in the language like going to Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, or the United States. Watch tv-shows, movies in English is very helpful as well!

  8. Use language-learning technology: Language-learning software programs like Rosetta Stone is great to learn English and increase your knowledge or maintain your English proficiency. There are many more other websites you can visit. (I included in the resource tab at the bottom more sources that can be helpful)

How to Get More out of the Best Websites to Learn Language like FluentU

  • Know your level. If the lesson is too easy, you’ll be bored. If it’s too hard, you won’t learn. So before you start to learn English online, know your level and be honest!

  • Know how you learn best. Find English learning websites that will help you learn through your favorite learning style.

  • Use a computer or phone with a microphone. Many of these websites and apps have activities where you can practice speaking. You’ll need a microphone for that.

  • Find topics that interest you. When you use topics that you like, you’ll want to learn and listen or read!

  • Schedule a time each day to study. You need to practice often and regularly to get better. Schedule a set time each day to study English, like while you have breakfast or take the train to work.

  • Don’t forget to go offline as well! Even if you learn a lot with these English websites, don’t forget to practice with real people as well!



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Formed in Riverside Secondary School, I want to spread awareness of what Canadian Immigrants have to go through language-wise. Hope you enjoy the reading!

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